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Ensure Your Database Performance with Our Server Health Checks, Upgrades, Migrations and more!

About us

Data Management

Using modern tools and practices we transform the way you think about data management

Digital transformation is nothing new, but quite often the data itself is still stored and managed in the same way it was 20+ years ago.  We will introduce you to modern ways of thinking about data and guide you through the process of implementing innovative strategies to ensure you continue to get the most value from your data.  We help you build modern, performant and scalable infrastructure as well as building the skills and tooling to make it easy to support and grow as quickly as your business!

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If you're new to SQL - here is a link to a free trial

SQL Server consultancy

We specialise in Microsoft SQL Server technology, including OLTP and data analytics platforms.

Our experienced database administrators (DBAs) can help design, build and manage your infrastructure. We are work with on-premises SQL Server up to SQL 2022 as well as Azure IaaS, PaaS and DBaaS cloud based solutions.

We also work with data analytics and BI solutions such as MS Power BI and Fabric.

We are happy to work with customers of any size or complexity.

Already have a large enterprise level database environment?
We can assist with upgrades, cloud migrations, support or HA/DR clustering. Why not ask us to perform a no-commitment health check?

Looking to set up your first SQL database?
We can take the guess-work out and use our experience to put you on the right path.

Database health check

A Microsoft SQL Server Health Check is a comprehensive assessment aimed at evaluating the overall health, performance, and security of a SQL Server database. This process involves conducting a thorough analysis of various aspects of the database environment to identify potential issues and provide recommendations for improvements.

Cloud migrations

We offer a comprehensive cloud migration solution. An initial assessment process will ensure that your databases are compatible and ready. Our experienced migration team will help install and configure your new infrastructure. We will assist with planning and implementation of the migration itself. We will offer training and support to ensure you can continue to support the environment. Or why not subscribe to our managed DBA services?

DataOps migration

Experience a seamless transition to DataOps! Gone are the days where data was a mere series of digits, 1’s and 0’s locked away in a cold dark server room. Modern data can be a companies’ most valuable asset. Data flows throughout the entire organisation, it even forms part of the culture. Often companies will have collected and stored vast amount of data over the years. They will have developed complex processes for managing and securing it. This can make it very challenging to adapt to new ways of thinking about and managing data but we are here to help! Contact us to find out how we can help modernise your data strategy and realise your full potential.

Frequently asked questions​

A database health check is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, identifying potential issues, and preventing data loss. It helps maintain the reliability and efficiency of the website by addressing any underlying problems in the SQL Server.

It is recommended to conduct a database health check regularly, typically every quarter or whenever there are significant updates to the website or application. Regular checks help proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact performance.

A comprehensive health check includes examining database integrity, checking for performance bottlenecks, reviewing backup and recovery procedures, assessing security measures, and ensuring optimal configuration settings for Microsoft SQL Server.

Performance issues can manifest as slow query execution, high CPU or memory usage, increased wait times, or a sudden decline in overall system responsiveness. Regular monitoring and performance profiling during a health check help identify and address these issues.

Security checks involve reviewing user access levels, permissions, encryption settings, and ensuring compliance with industry security standards. It’s essential to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities that could compromise data integrity.

Yes, a database health check can help identify potential risks and vulnerabilities that may lead to data loss. By addressing these issues promptly, the likelihood of data loss is significantly reduced, enhancing the overall reliability of the Microsoft SQL Server.

The duration of a health check can vary based on the size and complexity of the database, as well as the specific requirements of the website. On average, it may take a few hours to a day to perform a thorough health check.

Unlike other companies we use our own health check tool. Not everyone can do this or has access to this tool. Custom scripts to analyse your environment. Customised action taken based on the results of this test – then our experience and recommendations are based on our extensive experience and customer solutions we have developed.

Database healthcheck
Database consultancy
Database boot camps
Database workshops
Database training

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Sailing & Databases

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Upcoming Events

We offer group events where we combine things like sailing, golf and other activities with learning about databases, database maintenance and database management.

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